2001 was a good year for KFO, and I think it's time we all recognized the people that have devoted their time and effort into making this forum what it is today. To this end, the academy of KFO, a panel of distinguished members of the forum, has issued a series of awards to our most prominent members.

Most thick-skinned: Kung Lek, who had to endure countless criticisms of his moderating without once flaming back. Honorable mention goes to Gary, who by all logic should have been flamed to a burning crisp concerning pressure points but who remained remarkably unphased.

Best Imp: The period (aka Ralek., aka Ryu.), whose stories of suplexing attractive young women will be remembered by all.

Most successful troll: Rolls (aka Gaiden, aka Kudokan, aka Verder, aka Ralek), whose routine has varied little over the past few months and yet continues to reel them in.

Most prolific troll: Kelvein Chan (aka Goktimus Prime, aka EGO Maximus, aka fivestar, aka handsome, aka ugly, aka bestallstyle), who demonstrated that the best way to get a thread to 200 is to write 199 of the responses yourself, under different screen names.

Creepiest: Neal Cameron (aka JoJitsu27). I heard several different accounts of exactly what happened with this guy, and none of them were good.

Most sex appeal: Mr. Nemo, for obvious reasons.

Fewest words, most content: Truewrestler. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video clip must be worth millions, and truewrestler has posted many of them.

Most words, least content: Turiyan, who frequently wrote page long posts which were entirely indecipherable.

Best keyboard warriors: Maoshan and lkfmdc, who actually got together and fought a real life challenge match, with witnesses and without schedule conflicts due to toughman shows.

Most incoherent: No_Know. In future shows, the name of this reward may be changed to Most_Incoherent-ish, in honor of the recipient's work.

Least inhibited: GunnedDownAtrocity, whose name gives you a pretty good indication of his interests.

Best Chemistry: SifuAbel and Knifefighter, butting heads since september 2000.

Biggest Boy Scout: Ryu, whose frusturating levelheadedness, good will, and gentlemanly conduct assures the rest of us that we are all going to hell.

The Minor Technical Awards:

Best Mullet: Watchman

Most dangerous dog: JWTaylor

Biggest Bench/Squat/Deadlift: Destrous9

Most dangerous qi power: qimaster

Most ambiguous gender: Stacey