Its not possible for anybody to claim they have "real" ving tsun. What happened in Yip Man's time is open to speculation. We were not there so its a pointless discussion. What we do know was that Yip Man was a reluctant teacher and his own personal life would also have had an influence.
Yip Man did not have many versions of Wing Chun. He had many friends and many visitors as did his students after him. What I look for are simularites between lineages and whether there is still depth and consistencies the further you go through the system. This is the only way we can tell who had most contact with Yip Man. There is also the fact that certain people such as WSL evolved the system further based on tried and tested methods.
It has been said that Yip Man prefered to teach students that were more willing and able. I understand this because I feel the same. If people dont train hard and dont train consistently then why bother unloading the information on them? Some people get it and some people dont. I have stsudents that if they went out and opened a school today, as many of Yip Mans students did, then they would be teaching a incopmplete system. If they has the audacity to pull the wool over peoples eyes and say they know the whole system based on a lust for money then you can see the problems that this would cause further down the line.

To prove this hypthesis even more then I know for a fact that this has happened within WSL's students and also Philipp Bayers students.

So whether you are Ng Chan, William Cheung, Ho Kam Ming, Chu Shong Tin, Ip Chun, Ip Ching, Wong Shun Leung etc etc etc means nothing! The proof is in the pudding. You must go and see first hand and not put too much faith in articles and video footage.