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Thread: new commercial

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  1. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by EarthDragon View Post
    thanks taai gihk yahn , I really dont want to dump it ansd start over but I see your point. leaason learned about friends helping out to save money, but some commercials want 1000's of dollars for 30 seconds, I am not a rich kung fu teacher so I looked for ways to save money. thanks for all the feedback.
    exactly - u got what u paid for; but more to the point, again, what is the rationale for having a video commercial in the first place? did u do any marketing research to ascertain if it was a viable means of promoting ur school? if u did and the study determined that u wud get back far more in revenue as a result, then u take out a business loan and pay for it; OTOH, I am guessing u didn't do anything like that;

    furthermore, what is worse? no commercial or a sub-standard one by which people can (mis)judge what u offer at ur school? I bet that if u had someone in marketing look at the commercial they'd rip it apart worse than I ever cud - in other words, releasing it may actually b more harmful than just shelving it - the psychology of commercials is very detailed and established - working contrary to this established area of research can result in a negative perspective about u by the general public (remember, what u as a martial artist may think is cool, the average person may think is totally ridiculous - and why bother w a commercial if u r not appealing to the "average Joe"?); I mean, honestly, what u r doing is trying to use 2 things to motivate someone to buy ur product: fear and "cool looking" martial arts moves; where's the connection? no one wants to be scared into doing something, and how r they going to relate to the form demos, unless they already think it's cool and want to do kung-fu to begin with (and those people will a) find ur school on their own and b) probably have no $);

    if u really want to use advertising effectively, find someone who knows what they r doing; for example, Lama Pai Sifu runs this:
    Last edited by taai gihk yahn; 09-16-2011 at 11:25 AM.

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