Lately I have been thinking alot about why the debates and aruments regarding Kung Fu happen and thought I would put them to writing:

1. Kung Fu is constantly compared to MMA- Since MMA is the new age movement so to speak of martial arts it is completely understandable why the two are compared. But in the end MMA is simply a venue of competition and Kung Fu is a generic term for a style of fighting that at one time had connections to China. Feel free to beat this continuous dead horse!

2. The Internal/External Debate- The concept of rooting priciples, fluidity in motion, using your opponent's weight and/or strength against them, and relation of the body and advanced breathing prinicples are nothing magic, mystical, or secret. Internal is External, External is Internal, the Yin and Yang approach is well suited, and applicable to these training methods and ideologies. Chasing around ideas of mythical powers may be fun, but quite laughable.

3. Cross Training in Kung Fu- Systems with deficiencies and more so people who are wishing to correct these deficiencies honor both their style and the masters who forged it by cross training. I do not consider purists like this do be traditionalists, they are collectors and keepers of relics which matter only to their interests and not that of the system as it was originally intended.

4. I don't see anything wrong with providing video proof of something to convince someone of it's worth. If you make claims of something that someone here does not believe or that YOU want to prove to them, the burden of that proof falls on you. In this day and age, it is quite easy to record and upload something. If it is worthwhile, you may have spread your knowledge to other like minded Kung Fu stylists who now respect your opinion and can appreciate you insight, we all learn this way.

5. Living off the past acheivements of masters- Perhaps your master was a great Lei Tai fighter who killed many evil foreigners who threatened his people. Great, so what have you done? What we do with our knowledge and power defines us as single men (or women). If you want respect, go out and earn it. Otherwise, you are nothing more than a wannabe no different than the fat ***** who sits on the sidelines of a football game and talks about how everyone sucks, even though he never played a day in his life.

We all walk a path we choose, but often times that path changes as life goes on. We see things for what they really are and experience things as they are meant to be experienced.

That or you choose to wander aimlessly through the woods.