Iron Eagle(aka Dragonzbane)

A quick response to your statements re: I've made on topic threads and no one responds.

There are probably, at any time, ten to twelve members present at a time who are largely the main determination on what conversation is going to be. ANY of them on forums for more than a few years have accepted that some threads they make are non-starters. For all ten to twelve to contribute nothing for an extended period, and flame wars are all that's going on, is disrespecting everyone, because they're choosing it. If I do it, if you do it, same deal.

I have been super busy the last three weeks, so I've checked the topics and only been able to read a tiny bit. Fortunately, there was nothing to read here. I literally thought, for two weeks, that someone had stickied some really bad threads on the main forum here, there was so little change.

So my point is, if those ten mambers don't discuss kung fu at app level ever for a month, someone should bag on them, period. Your topic didn't catch on, all the other members who can contribute suddenly had the same problem? Probably not.

Agree with it or not, you and I get along well, but when the environment gets caustic, YKW doesn't start good threads, and your entertainment ain't worth all that.

Sanjuro Ronin- In response to "I've never seen this mma guy hostile to tma" I was at Bullshido with you, can't sell that one to me. The guy who called you an iron hand fraud comes to mind. Eat it, Canadian.

Dragonzbane- Same deal, Lucas left over a mma fanboy making ad hominem attacks solely because he didn't like TMA, Eat it, avatar of Gene Ching as channeled through LKFMDC!

Gene Ching- Give up your cheese!

Darid Hammieness- I just wanted to make clear to Iron Eagle my position, if it's liked or not, at this point, I won't continue this conversation on the forum if it's negative.