So, let me see if I get this straight. In this post

Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
Well as for the coverup regarding the Al Quaeda, you won't need my evidence, just look at what the former and not surprisingly late British Foreign Secretary described the Al Qaeda as nothing but a US Intelligence file name given to the Taliban it trained. Feel free to call him a tin hat wearing conspiracy nut! Anyway, you can't because he happened to die from a "heart attack" some time after making those comments...
You weren't actually referring to the line in Robin Cook's op-ed piece about where Al-Qaeda got its name as evidence of it being made up as part of a conspiracy.

Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
Where did I say that he did?

I just said that he stated that Al Quaeda was a computer file name that referred to the Taliban that were trained by the US!
Then in the very next sentence:
Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
In short, no "terrorist" organization called Al Quaeda existed until brought into existance by US Intelligence psychops that convinced every Western hating muslim kid that they had "heroes" fighting for them.
So which is it?