communisim doesn't equate to co-operation. Nor does socialism.

Socialism is a period in between that prepares for communism.

Communism's principle ideal is: "from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs" This is a form of indentured slavery yoked upon the people who actually do aspire to make something of themselves.

So, think about how dumb the average person is, now consider that at least half all the people are dumber than that, then read Atlas Shrugged and you get a strong understanding of where John Galt is coming from.

Communism creates resentment because there will be FEW with the actual ability to give and MANY who only hold their hand out constantly. It is that way now! Even with a capitalist system, there are elements that rely on the rest of us to take care of them despite the fact they can bloody well take care of themselves.

Oh, just as an aside, I see the value of socialism or aspects of it within a functioning capitalists system. IE: the common good. But communism? Nope X infinity. A ridiculous form of government that has been proven to be nothing but a road to massive failure.