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Thread: Gun Control- Just of interest

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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia


    Ive deliberately taken a much sweeter tone for this post as i dont want to continue to argue with you over something we have both already made up our minds over. That said i did think i should clear a few things up.

    For a start my comment regarding carrying small arms as being cowardly was out of place, i can admit that. I should have stated that my real feelings towards this relate to people living in my own country where carrying a handgun is illegal. For a person to carry a handgun here they really would be a coward as no one else carrys guns. IF however you live in a country where carrying of small arms is legal i can totaly see why you would want to have an even score card. My reasons for viewing it as cowardly are based on the fact that over here guns are not commen hence carrying one means your trying to tip the odds heavily in your favor. So i guess i should appologise to those who are perfectly within there legal rights as it was not you im aiming at.
    These are not meant to start another stir i just wanted to clear a few things up:

    "directing it at another individual for the most part is a thin shield to hide behind"
    * This is really not my fault, you took a post i addressed to someone else and decided to make a personal issue out of it

    "As for cussing at me, its been done before."
    * I deliberatly tried to not swear and only use silly insults that wouldnt be taken to seriously. Im sorry if your kids read this but remember you throw the first stone here. My comments where a bit out of place but you didnt need to respond with personal insults.

    "So you think I fight like a girl? Thank you. I know a few girls that can hold their own pretty well, even with real bad boys like you."
    * You obviously missed the humor in my comment, it was due to your way of trying to twist my words to fit your arguement. Most girls are great at this tactic, i said you insult like a girl not fight like one. The comment was also not really supposed to be sexist or serious, it was very much tounge in cheek.

    "I've never been in a stand up fight? You're sure? I could make all kinds of claims here, but what is the point? "
    * I couldnt possibly know how well you fight, i said 'proberly' and the comment was again more a silly insult than serious debate.

    "I listed my initials and my location when I joined this forum."
    * Ive listed my real first name, location and the name of my sifu, i have to be carefull what i say and i can respect you have the same responsibility.

    "I have said that all I own right now is a muzzle loading rifle. You think I sleep with it under my pillow? Wierd! Do I load it, or just cuddle up real close? "
    * Definately loaded and im certain you do cuddle it close [j\k]

    "No, I don't feel sorry for you because of your views on gun legislation. I feel sorry for you because of your attitude, which, as I said, is pathetic."
    * I tried to restate my view with a little more accuracy above, if you still view it as pathetic then fair enough, we will just have to disagree. Still you would do better to try and sway people to your view rather than just insulting theres. This whole thing has only made me more happy we have gun restrictions in place.

    "I was refering to your accusation that we don' bother to train for empty hands fighting"
    * I was very carefull to say that 'SOME' have the attidude of why learn to fight when you can carry a gun. Please stop accusing me of things i havent said and taking my words well out of context.

    "I have a high and mighty attitude? OK, if you say so. Let me take this oppornuty to invite you to come up to my standard. The view is great up here, and folks are a lot nicer."
    * My post was in responce to yours, i hardly see how you can claim your standard is above mine when your the one who started with the personal insults. As for folks being a lot nicer, this board [street\reality] has been nothing but a hassle for me and ive only made a few posts. Im a regular on both the main forum and the southern and i never cop this kind of treatment. I think ill avoid these 'nicer folks' you speak of thanks.

    I have no wish to keep this going Dnc I only orginaly wanted to state what it was like in a country with good gun control and give my opinion. I can respect not all will agree with it but that is no excuse to then start hurling flames.
    I even noticed my so called 'insults' have been edited out of my post, thats beyond a joke and blatently against freedom of speech. There was no swearing and the whole paragraph was tounge in cheek. This board wreaks of bad management and a sence of 'locals only'... I will make it my buisness to let others know this, I see no point in posting when its not even certain your view will be recieved intact.

    [- I Edited out my own lame threats to the moderators about freedom of speech withdrawl ]
    Last edited by jon; 01-25-2002 at 01:57 AM.
    Up and down, forward and backward, left and right, its all the same. All of this is done with the mind, not externaly.
    Shaped dragon and looking monkey, sitting tiger and turning eagle.

    "I wonder how they would do against jon's no-tension fu. I bet they'd do REALLY WELL."
    - Huang Kai Vun

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