Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
孟子(Meng Zi) said, "I don't like to argue but sometime I just don't have choice." The funny thing is when he tried to explain that he was not arguing with you back then, he was arguing with you at this moment.

Sometime if people responds to your post, you ignore his post just try to avoid argument, you may be just too rude and ignore others opinions. If you are not careful, your response will be considered as "disagree with others and start your argument."

When someone doesn't agree with you, your respond to his disagreement, that's argument by definition.

I'll consider the following as "discussion" that A only expresses his opinion "once" and never response to other's disagreements. It's "rude' attitude IMO.

A: My opinion is ...
B: You are wrong ...
C: I disagree with you ...

I'll consider the following as "argument".

A: My opinion is ...
B: You are wrong ...
C: I disagree with you ...
A: Why did you say that I was wrong?

A pure discussion (ignore all disagreements) is very difficult to have. How far are you willing to go (response to other's disagreement) is difficult to adjust.
I think you can counter points in discussion. It's the intent that defines the convo. If both are listening to eachother and building off of that, cool. If they are just talking at eachother and not hearing anyone else, they are arguing.