What does chum kiu mean to you? Not the literal translation although there seem to be many variations of that, or the sequence of techniques, but what do people deem is the purpose (s) of the form?
I thought I'd throw this out there for general discussion as I'm genuinely interested in how much variety there is across the different lineages / schools. If this has been done before then apologies to the veterans but I couldn't see it anywhere.

For me the form is about getting safely into range and finding the safe route to the opponent's jic seen whilst also introducing concepts that build on SNT such as, disconnection of upper and lower body for power, range of motion and ability to go "sung", as well as introducing recovery from mistakes / sub-optimal positions.
As the opinions vary so much on SNT, the basic shapes, chi su and just about everything else I'm sure that there'll be plenty of views, and it would be good to hear them.