Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
Then you should know that qualified is something many of them ain't and secondly who and what has history proven. The little story means nothing without a name.

Mulroney failed the bar twice and was recruited by the cons in HIS freshman year. my issues with Harper? Where did you read that into it? Harper is a leash holder. That's obvious and has nothing to do with my perception and everything to do with how he runs his cabinet and government.

People function on the primary rule of self interest. No matter who they are.
Bob Rae was the name.
The sorry state of the WORLD governments is a fact, that the world governments are headed by lawyers is also a fact.
That governments pass laws to benefit themselves and not the people they work for is pretty obvious.
The governments run a deficit and then borrow money to cover the deficit THEY made and pass the bill to US, is also obvious.