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Thread: Pork Chop's latest workout blog

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  1. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Marietta, GA
    Monday 2/6/2012
    Back to the gym after a long weekend off.
    After last week's fiasco, i figured it was time to go back to the drawing board for some tweaks.

    My schedule has been Yoga monday, cardio bag tues/thurs, muay thai wed/sat (sometimes fri).
    Hitting the bag class twice a week with muay thai has put a lot of strain on my shoulders.
    I was hoping that I could eventually transition into all-in-all-out on thursdays instead of the bag class. Last week showed me that all-in-all-out is a no-go. My body just can't handle it (maybe later).

    I've decided to add some weights after yoga and do my yoga day twice a week (Tues & Thurs).
    The official program is:
    Mon- Yoga & Weights
    Tues- Cardio Bag
    Wed- Muay Thai
    Thur- Yoga & Weights
    Fri- Rest (optional Muay Thai)
    Sat- Muay Thai (sparring day)
    Sun- Rest
    Doubling up on yoga and weights just feels like a good idea for injury prevention and a little bit of strength.

    For weights, I'm following something similar to Starting Strength beginner's program - 3x5 for 3 bigger lifts. I'm going to keep the weight medium-low for now, until I feel ready to do more.

    Did 1hr yoga class.
    Followed up with weights.

    Yoga class was a bit more strenuous than I remember - I sweat a lot.

    Deadlift - 135lbs x 5reps x 3sets
    Squat - 135lbs x 5reps x 3sets
    Assisted chinup (neutral grip) - 52lb assist x 5reps x 2sets; 70lb assist x 5reps x 1set - 70lbs felt like where i really should be.
    Last edited by Pork Chop; 02-07-2012 at 08:32 AM.
    What would happen if a year-old baby fell from a fourth-floor window onto the head of a burly truck driver, standing on the sidewalk?
    It's practically certain that the truckman would be knocked unconscious. He might die of brain concussion or a broken neck.
    Even an innocent little baby can become a dangerous missile WHEN ITS BODY-WEIGHT IS SET INTO FAST MOTION.
    -Jack Dempsey ch1 pg1 Championship Fighting

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