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Thread: Punching people in the face?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Punching people in the face?

    Does anyone here think it's a good idea to punch people in the face using thier WCK? Do you think you could punch someone in the face with your WCK?
    How would you do it? Would you use your fist? What is a fist? what is a face?

    What if it was against a 'lowly MMA sport fighter'?
    What if you were fighting a badd-a55 street thug on the streetz? Would it still work?

    I think it would work easily against an MMA guy because from what I've read here on the forums, and from pretending I'm some hardened street thug with murders for relatives, not to mention all the murders that are friends of 'mines', you can't punch a street thug in the face, they are too good and too deadly. Besides, street thugs already know you are going to try to punch them in the face so they attack you from behind with an grenade launcher before you even know they are there!! Or, they would just rip you in half with thier bare hands like some 'unkles of mines!!!!!!!!

    But against an MMA guy it would be soooo easy because I only would fight one in the streets, where they woudn't be able to defend it since they aren't in the ring and all and they only know how to defend punches to the face in the ring. They would forget how to defend themselves once they step out of the saftey of the cage and wham, lights out!!! OWNED!!!

    Trolls need not apply/reply
    Last edited by JPinAZ; 03-14-2012 at 05:56 PM.
    What chi sau is, or isn't, or is, or wait, what is it..:

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