alot of people were asking about the dit da jow he uses. i was given the formula some time ago from someone who knows him and just kept it to myself. i had to do alot of work to get this. My goal is to keep the tradition alive,so i am giving his formula here.some of the ingredients are obscure,but they can be obtained,you just have to get the right herbalist.remember though,the jow formula is only 1 small part of the helps to open the channels,strengthen the structure,increase blood flow and heal damage.the main part is the conditioning,wolfes law in full effect and the mind body connection. i have been training in iron palm for over 5years. my brothers and i are very versed in every type of iron palm you could do.we have dedicated ourselves to this almost lost skill and want to preserve it.most out there just fake it,even the supposed chinese masters,like this guy,

and guys like "irvin soto" the sup[posed iron palm "warlord" LOL,LOL
anyway enough of my rant ,on to the good stuff.

Gou teng 152g dan shen 152g hong hua 152g
lang ya cao 228g di long 152g xiang pi 190g
luo de da 152g shi da gong lao 228g ru xiang 114g
wu jia pi 190g tou gu cao 152g jiang jun cao 152g
chuan wu 152g shi liu pi 152g mu gua pi 152g
chuan duan 152g long gua hua 114g peng zhua 1 pair
da mu er 152g wei zhen xian 152g hua qian 152g
di gu pi 152g wu ming yi 152g ming fan 152g
cao wu 152g he tao pi 190g tu bie chong 76g
zhui feng teng 114g lao he cao 152g

in case you require it in chinese to take to your herbalist
it is my hope someone gets some good use out of this.

金钩藤 四两 丹参 四两 红花 四两
狼牙草 六两 地龙 四两 象皮 五钱
落得打 四两 十大功劳 六两 乳香 三两
五加皮 五钱 透骨草 四两 将军草 四两
生川乌 四两 石榴皮 四两 木瓜皮 四两
川续断 四两 龙瓜花 三两 鹏爪 一付
大木耳 四两 威震仙 四两 花铅 四两
地骨皮 四两 无名异 四两 明矾 四两
生草乌 四两 核桃皮 五钱 地鳖虫 二两
追风藤 三两 老鹳草 四两