
Not much time these as work is hectic. Sorry for not replying sooner.

When the body shifts you will notice the head/spine is in the same spot. He rotates on the center and the weight distribution is 50/50. As the body rotates and the weight slightly drops it uses a different method of "mechanics" to power our wing chun than some other lineages. For example: The YKS method of shifting is a bit different where they turn and weight 100/0. We are also different than the heel shifting lines.

If you want to read a bit more this article talks about the Pin Sun's Kim Yeung Ma basics:

If you want to see a clear example of the shift. 5 seconds into this clip Master Fung Chun demo's a full shift:

An example of an"application". Lets use the first action. This can be used to deflect and slicing that flows into the attack with a strike to the groin typically.

Someone asked about a retracting looking "lan sao" which is actually a "Lim Sao" (sickle hand). Why? If you notice something about the moves being demo'd both of them are using an "under cycling"! This is the opposite of lets say Wing Chun's Lin Wan Choi which is using the opposite cycling. The skills that fall into the under cycling use the Lim Sao and not Wu Sao which suits the opposite cycle.

2:35 into this clip Master Fung Chun demo's our drop'd shoulders/sunk elbow/body angle plus shows an over cycling punch. Then about 2:55 he demo's and under cycling action with the Lim Sao.

Gotta run!


Jim Roselando