There is a big issue with one part of a previous post :

"fighters wear our gear which include 14 oz boxing gloves, boxing head gear, chest protector and shin pads"

When, as a promoter, you provide the gloves, head gear, chest protector, and shin pads, in essence, you are making a legal claim that the equipment is in condition to do its job.

Having dealt a bit with the legal part of this, what that means is that there is an implied liability that comes with an implied guarantee of the equipment.

This is why so many events mandate the type of equipment required - down to the weight of the gloves, type of shin guard, type of chest or head guard, type of mouth and groin protection...but they more often than not do NOT supply the gear.

If they state what is to be used and do a check, the competitor then assumes the legal liability for the equipment being in good order. This also means that the ring officials do not have to examine their own equipment after each bout.

So, regardless of the issue here, I would suggest that promoters need to be fully aware of the legal implications of their events...and in particular the implied fit for use of equipment.