Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
Shes local. It's been in the paper everyday. Sure looks like a woman. I think it should be illegal to engage in sexual activity without disclosing a sex change first. I dont grudge any lgbt's but i most certainly don't want to be part of thier club. live and let live in this respect.
You can really do damage to a person by having them find out the hard way they slept with another man. when it comes down to it, surgery or not, they are still men. nothing can change that. if they want to pretend, im fine with that, but they really cant be sleeping around and not saying anything about it. thats just wrong. It should be treated like a sexual assault.
This reads like an argument.

Do you begrudge them their lifestyle and being or not. You say you don't, then you make a point about how you think they should be charged for...having sex with a willing partner?

Say you got a hand job in a dark room and didn't see who was doing it to you?
First, what are you doing in dark rooms getting hand jobs?
Second, how can you fault someone for being what they are? I don't think there is any question whatsoever regarding disclosure with Transfolk. You are creating a scenario that doesn't exist to build off some other fear you hold about people who take this way.

If all a person looks at is the surface, they will never understand the person. Ever.
If a person only looks at an issue in a precursory glance, they will never fully understand. Just saying.