i know probably no one has had the type in the bruce lee movie ,but has anyone had anything they would consider a challenge match? i can remember at least two time i had such an experience and thought i would share ,and also hear some others experiences.

one time when i was working as a personal training in a small gym in manhattan,on my free time i was hit the hanging bag with all sorts of combinations,elbows knees fist feet head butts hip strikes,you name it, then this one gym member a russian guy that had about 25 pounds on me starts giving me corrections. tell me he has studied street kung fu,and how deadly it is and all other styles are for show. now i hate this with a passion and swore i would get even with him the next time i saw him.

so next time i saw him same thing, i was hitting the bag and here comes mister know it all street kung fu master. so i decided to lore him into my game. so i explained to him the rules of fixed step push hands and got him to play. now i know this guy is a strong ****er cause i saw him benching the entire rack on the bench press machine. so we are playing and i am humiliating him buy pushing him around. so at one point he get frustrated and tries to start grappling with me. so we go to the ground, i mount him right away ,but way little to excited and went for a sloppy armbar.he slipped out we scrambled around and i wound up catching him in an ankle lock which made him scream then i released it. afterwards he was nice enough to lecture me on how in the street this would never work,next to his street kung fu from russia.

another time on my first trip to china ,a two week long trip of training to beijing,there was some jerk off from england that joined our group. for some reason this fool though he would act as an assistant instructor and offer corrections to other members of the group. this was a bagua ,tai chi training trip,and i was a push hands competitor at the time,so i was happy to have people to push with, but to my surprise they weren't really into it, so one morning we are waiting outside for the training doors to be open and i asked if anyone wanted to practice pushing,now he had avoided me for about a week on this except to graciously give me corrections on my forms. so he takes this as a challenge instead of friend practice,and says of come on i will push with you in a tough guy voice and attitude. so as soon as we start he grabs my jacket, against the rules of pushing hands and tries to pull me to the floor, i defend easily,does it a second time then third. all the while i defend and remain within the rules of the game and don't grab just defend. so ok we restart he makes a laugh as if he proved something from this, then we restart, i coil inside of his clinch give him a small and relaxed shoulder shove to off balance him and sweep him with an outside reap,he goes down very easily and quickly. i even tried to catch him on the way down. he lands on his way down, while on his back he tries to sweep me, i don't budge,i am standing over him,it ends there.