Hello everyone, I am a new member. I don't know whether this thread should go in a different section but since its sort of related to kung fu, I posted it here. I am deeply sorry if this the wrong section but this my first post . I have been searching other forums over the internet about the topic of choosing a good sifu to start learning wing chun. There were many threads on such a topic, however, many didn't satisfy my curiosity. I have been searching for respectable sifu (who don't just teach for money) within the london area. I have found that Alan Orr, Leo au Yeung, Desmond Spencer and Austin Goh are popular and commonly suggested but I haven't found a comparison between the different sifu's. Since this is my first martial art I will probably study, I don't know what really makes up a good MA teacher. I would be grateful to know people's opinion's on these teachers (first hand experience or not), comparisons between the instructors, how they teach, what you think is the most effective, reasonable pricing for lessons (how much they charge) and similar questions. Thank you to anyone who responds in advance. I am very grateful to be part of this wonderful community
