I found this from another forum, does anyone know anything about Rodger Smart and his full body wing chun?

" By Matt on Monday, May 27, 2002 - 10:42 am: Edit Post
Well I'll be in Canada for about 5 years so I guess Canada...
I知 23 and I've been studying full body Wing Chun for about 4 years, 5 to six days per week.
This, along side my Shanxi Hsing-i is the perfect combination for me. Full body Wing Chun (round body)is said to be the grand son of Hsing-i. The combination has given me a greater understanding of both which in the whole scheme of things is still nothing!!
I study privately under Si-Gung Rodger Smart and apparently anyone who's anyone in China and Hong Kong痴 Wing Chun circles claim Si-gung is the best they've seen (he took out Fat Shans best with the greatest of ease). Not that Hong Kong is a benchmark for anything.
Si-Gung is the soul student of Si-Jo Chu, a renowned Chinese herbalist. It all started with Si-Jo Chu's Grandfather, a well-known doctor of shanxi. To cut a very long story short the Chu's had the best in medicine; the Song's had the best in Hsing-i. Both being Taoist, Song Shi Rong and Dr Chu agreed in a full trade off of information. Si-Jo's Grandfather, with his newfound combination was undefeated in the whole of china in challenges, this ultra combination was filtered directly into Si jo.

Si Jo Chu is the most amazing specimen I have ever seen!! He is apparently is in his later Sixties and is up and down like my 10-year-old nephew, hard as a rock and skin like a twelve year old!!! You will never see ant thing like it. Probably one of the only true masters left on the planet, and you'd never know it, besides his stocky muscular build. He teaches no one but Si Gung in his back yard and has done for the last 12 years.
This is now being fed to me in very small doses, my power and body transformation has baffled me,
But I am soon to leave because I married a Canadian... Everything I have laid eyes on out side my school has been an embarrassment to watch I even accepted challenges, which is completely out of character for me, in the hope of being humbled. I知 yet to ask Si-Gung my intentions and have not build up the courage to ask him yet.
Does anyone know of a Shanxi School?????? "