So, I ran into an old girlfriend tonight. Those of you old timers here know her well, as the girl responsible for several years worth of my "Royal Dragon's Women" threads.

I have to say, I narrowly escaped capture with that one. She cost me my sanity. However, my antics with her, published on KFM gave countless people endless entertainment.

Of course, she is directly responsible for the fact that the girls who like me today, find me elusive, slippery and extremely difficult to capture!

I could not post all of this on my FB, because I have two part time females I am kind of flirting with (so I don't get locked into any single one of them), that I don't want to really know all the sorted details.

The girls name is Debbie. Just search my main username, and her name to relive the drama.

I have to say, last time I saw her, she had gained a substantial amount of weight. This time, she has piled even more on top of that. Her face even got fat...which is something I didn't even know was possible.

Oddly enough though, she still has the same sweet smile, and sweet sexy voice that just makes me melt.....

Ummmm Crap Do'H!!

I mean she is EVIL, EVIL, EVIL!!

I bumped into her outside of the Chinese take out joint I just picked up dinner at. I didn't actually recognize her (because she is now super sized), not at first. I recognized her car. So I pulled up next to her and stared into her window till she noticed me. At first she looked puzzled, then once she realized who i was, she sort of laughed. Although she did have this look on her face like she had seen a ghost. I guess not having seen me for almost 7 years might explain that.

We chatted a bit. I told her it was nice seeing her again, and she said the same to me. Then we parted company.

She seemed really self conscious though. maybe it's because she was like 128 when we dated, and now she is like 350+, looked like she had not washed her hair yet today, and had on some sort of fat woman in walmart outfit.

One of my fondest memories of her was the first night I got her pants off. She sort of turned away from me, and gave me this devilish "Come get me grin" She had on lace short short panties and nothing, I cannot even imaging she was ever that thin. I had to go to my photo album to check, to make sure I was not hallucinating when we dated (Thank God I talker her into those nude shots back then!)

She was still hot when she left me for the other guy....he's apparently stuck with the large version of Debbie, and I am free to chase the Hot Yoga chick I am so fond of today!!!

So, I guess it all worked out just fine...well, unless you are the guy she ended up with anyway!!