Quote Originally Posted by Sihing73 View Post
Amazing to me that an art that springs from one root can have so many varied branches.

Like life some nurture and grow and others die.

Said it before and will say it again. If anyone had the one true way then they would be wiping the floor with everyone else and be obviously superior.

Since that is not the case it leads me to wonder why something as simple as understanding the energy of Bong as opossed to Pak can be so diverse and potentially misleading.

I mean I would think that the core basics would remain somewhat consistent when drinking from the same source.

Hmmmm here is my new POV. The energy of Bong and Pak are the same as they all make use of the human body. Thus the human kinetics is the key and all energy is one and the same.

See now we can all agree, unless someone wants to argue that the human body provides different energy for their approach than everyone else
I THINK they are trying to say that how that energy is EXPRESSED is different.