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Thread: Combat vs. Health

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  1. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
    This was what I have said.

    OK, I may use the wrong words here. Let me correct this as:

    if you train:

    - combat, you punch out fast, and your body chase your hand.
    - health, you punch out slow, and your body push your hand.

    Since you read Chinese, you can help me to verify whether my translation is correct or not.

    The XingYi system train inhale instead of exhale. In training, you punch out slow with slow exhale. When you pull your punch back, you inhale quickly. It's light out heavy in, light exhile deep inhale, long exhale short inhale.

    Teacher Tang said,"The XingYi training and combat are different. In training, you use body to push shoulder, shoulder to push elbow, elbow to push hand, It's like water flow from your shoulder to your hand. In combat, you throw your hand out like a whip. You then use elbow to chase hand, shoulder to chase elbow, body to chase shoulder."

    If you serious about Xing yi and tcma internal,

    Since You know Chinese, this is my sigung who is a known person of Xing yi and fighter. Take a look how combat and health are one thing in china. And what is the reality.

    ,他說:練武不要怕挨打,不要被吹牛的師傅嚇倒,要有實驗的精神,挨一次打學會一著。如果遇到高手,讓他連 發三次手,你就學會了,以你們的樁步和身上的功夫,不發冷手決打不壞你們,要大膽實踐才能學出真本領。可是 不要打人,要讓人服,不要讓人怕。********* ***********

    *** 為了籌備我大軍渡江前線情報站,馬老師與許天民同志在南京廢寢忘食地作秘密工作。當時的保護色是籌備醫院, 常來往者有馮玉祥將軍的老參謀長丘山寧、國民政府安若定、殷震夏,中央國術館長張之江,武術界朱國禎、姜容 樵等,白天人來人往絡繹不絕,我們盡管開門、倒茶,抽空站樁、單操手。電燈一來,就成了我們的世界,老師當 樁,引手、喂手,我們幾個人互相打,有時老師也給我們幾掌,無不應聲而倒,跌出丈外。我們安排的技擊實驗場 摔不壞,碰不傷。老師讓我們自己練,告訴我們一個原則,不管任何動作,都要將氣領順,自腳而腿,而腰上至兩 臂。用手則氣貫手指,用頭則怒髮衝冠,氣到力到方為懂勁,不要用猛力,用猛力則僵化,局部的力量究竟有限, 必須上下完整一氣,力由氣發謂之勁,力由局部肌肉發謂之笨力氣。告訴我們推手的原則要捨己從人,不是吃偏發 勁,能打人者為下乘,能挨打者為上乘;肌肉隆起而硬者為下乘,肉軟如棉者為上乘,練武的主要目的是強健身心 ,做好本職工作,能治病救人,濟貧扶危,不要嘩眾取寵,賣藝求榮。

    This is also my standard of the Yik Kam transform.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 06-18-2012 at 10:20 PM.

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