Hi everyone,

My name is Damian, I am 25, I have no experience whatsoever in martial arts and I have recently taken up some self-defense classes mainly based on principles/techniques from judo, jiujitsu, karate, shaolin kung fu, wing chun.

>> I started conditioning my forearms and fists (knuckles) in order to improve my blocking and punching skills, but also to boost my mental capital.
I currently follow this routine three times a week:
- Regular push-ups (20reps)
- Knuckles push-ups (20reps)
- Roller bar method on forearms with a broom stick (10 min)
- Punches on sandbag with the fist (2 min per hand)
- Punches on sandbag with the back of the hand (2 min per hand)

This routine is only the starting point and I intend to up the reps and series progressively every 2 or 3 months. I would appreciate if you could provide me with some feedback, tips or advice? Please feel free to let me know what you think.

>> Also I wanted to ask you a few questions on dit da jow.
> I understand the purpose and benefits of DDJ, and I get it at nearby Chinese grocery store. However, these are sold in plastic bottles. I have seen on the internet warnings about that, is that so dangerous?
> In any case, I would like to make my own DDJ, do you have any recipes?
> Last question on the frequency of applications: I understand that the bare minimum is to apply at least before and after the training. Would it be a good idea to apply some during the day too? Also, considering my routine, should I apply some on the days when I do not train?

Many thanks for all your advice.