Quote Originally Posted by LoneTiger108 View Post
Okay it's cool that you are 'fully aware' of uncles teachings, although I have no ideas really what that means lol!

As for his human energy stuffs, his eldest student, Juerg Ziegler has just released a book on the matter but I can not really discuss as I know nothing of his practises, only what I see and read.

My Sigung had a wide ranging curriculum of Wing Chun, which included Heigung sets and understanding linked to his TCM practise (he was a qualified herbalist and TCM practitioner) but I wouldn't say this is the same as uncle Gohs methods as he has grown over the years through his own self study and other learning.
When I say I'm fully aware I mean just that, nothing bad if that is what you're thinking. I have met with him on several occasions and spoke with him in detail about his curriculum and wc in general. My sifu has also helped him with hosting one of hid human energy seminars in NJ. Austin is a class act and very passionate about his work.