I'm not sure how to word this so be patient with me..

No wasted moves or movements is something my sifu stresses... It is something I hear a lot in CMA but, I wonder how much it's really trained? I can't speak for other schools or styles but, in watching vid on the ne...t I don't see it trained.

In Hak Fu like most styles we have forms, drills, and typical CMA training. What my sifu does is take us beyond that and trains us to cut down the wasted movements within the techniques we've learned. For example, a technique may be to block and then strike with another technique... we learn those techniques/movements then we train to do it all in one technique/movement.

By that I mean... using just one arm to both block and simultaneously strike! In Hak Fu we have a one armed form so maybe we train this way because of the form? In our training once you learn the one armed form you can only spar using one arm. So if you spar a brother that doesn't know the form... he can use both arms while you're limited to the one.

This form is trained using your weak arm... this is to bring your weaker arm up to par with your dominant one. Since training this way I totally understand the no wasted movements cliche'...

I'm just curious how many others work on techniques this way?