You know people use the phrase "Jack of all trades, Master of none", when referring to people who have studied various martial arts disciplines. Not meaning to turn a blind eye to Chinese culture, but the title Master, it really is ill fated to me, ill fated for this reason, it implies that you have mastered or completed this or that, that's it, you are complete, even to the extent of indiviual styles, you've finished it, received a title or certificate.

To me kung fu is a ever growing process, when will one ever really truly master it, there is always something new to explore, investigate, become knowledgeable about.

If anything, in my opinion we are learning to master ourselves, not this or that, because this or that is constantly changing and we must learn to be flexible and aborbent for the betterment of you the indiviual which reflects on the things we do, whether it be kung fu, cooking etc. Just my opinion.........