Quantify "basic leg strength." What is it?
#1. Basic leg strength is just as I stated..... basic. Like I said if you want to do more or go beyond this... do squats or leg press etc....

What? No it doesn't.
#2. When you sit is a low horse stance you will feel your ligaments / tendons in your hips pull and stretch. Doh.... what? you never sat in a horse stance and felt your hips stretching?

Rooting is nonsense. "Allowing blood and body fluids to sink?" They're only sinking because you're lowering yourself and they're physically getting lower as a result. In real life, when your blood and body fluids sink, it's a medical emergency and you have to go to the hospital.
#3. I am truly sorry you do not understand gravity..... try this this to help explain: Raise your arms straight up above your head and point them to the sky. Hold them there for a minute or 2. Quickly lower them down and you will actually feel your blood flowing back down into your arms. This is because blood and body fluids can move thru your body because gravity forces it downward. Gravity plays a role in your blood / fluids and how they flow in your body. as you learn to relax (in your stance) blood vessels will relax and open up, allowing blood to flow where ever gravity will take it.

Granted... aerteies are trying to carry expired blood back to the heart. You can still lower your center of gravity without bending your knees or lowering your blood dropping making your center mass lower. Anyone can do this, there is no secret, just horse stance training.

I suppose, but you never use those techniques in an actual fight so it really doesn't matter.
#4. We had a discussion here before.... Horse stance is used and they even had a video clip of some mma guy hittin a horse and punching the opponent while in it, so don't gimmie that crap that it is not used in reality.

Nonense. The only way you get stronger "at the expense of skill and technique" is if you stop practicing skill and technique.
#5. If spend more time in the gym lifting than do in the kwoon practicing drills and sparring, then you are a meathead and you are trying to replace skill with strength.

All supplemental training is good. However TCMA has reasons for Horse stance as stated in my earlier post. If you want to do other things like lifting weights.... just don't forsake your meat and potatoes like sparring / drills etc.
