Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
When a new troll appears, they usually seem to come on twos. One who's the 'alpha' troll, and a nut rider who supports and tries to validate him or her. Either that or it's one person all along. But they join at the same time.
That actually happened here when some of the goofballs at trollshido decided they knew better and would come over here with a crap story and try to spread it in an effort to generate traffic at their site which was dropping because....well, they don't have quality product in many respects.

silly kids with overinflated egos.

I'm all for a good joke troll, really I am. But that's usually a one off, get a laugh and move on. the consistent bone headed trolling as displayed by Warrior_man and his ilk is unproductive.

The troll defender up there is quite possibly and likely the same dang person. the very fact they are doing exactly what Scott is describing makes it a little clearer.