Sifu Ly (Li) Hoa Yen is always happy to work on students injuries, aches and pains. He always comes to class with his rolling carry-on bag full of his teacher's (Chui Chuk Kai) reference materials and mysterious TCM remedies in bottles, teas, etc. He worked on my knee before and after my ACL reconstruction surgery and my doctor was amazed at how quickly I healed compared to other patients. Yesterday, a classmate posted her story on Facebook.

So here is a story I feel I have to share... Friday, my doctor looked at a suspicious mole on my arm and said it was skin cancer and that he would make an oncology appt. for me. Panic set in... Saturday we went to Tai Chi. I showed our Sifu (Master) and told him the doctor said cancer and Sifu agreed and put some medicine on it and rubbed it and felt around said"It not bad". He told me to keep the spot wet with cotton and Sifu medicine. This morning I had my doctor appt. and he shaved off the layers of the mole and looked at them under a microscope. I was there and he said "That's weird" and took another couple of layers off the mole until it was down to the skin and put it under the microscope. He studied it for some time then declared "Holy ****!" I freaked out and asked what is it? He asked if I knew what magnified cancer cells looked like. I said yeah and he had me look and EVERY SINGLE CANCER CELL was dead in all of the samples, just dead!!! My doctor said to just keep putting Sifu medicine on it and he gave me a prescription for chemotherapy cream as a precaution, but it is almost gone!!! My doctor agreed to come to class because he wants to meet Sifu!
We always joke about what is in Sifu's tonics, elixirs, jows etc... probably others in Chiu Chuk Kai's lineage have them. We in his classes are just glad to benefit from his knowledge freely given!