Quote Originally Posted by LFJ View Post
All of that is good, but what about when the opponent takes you down and is stuck on you? You can't just kick them off. So all of that is as useless as standing skills when someone is mounted on you. You have to know what to do. VT won't give it to you.
Um ... yeah. I think I mentioned that I have trained BJJ and hold a brown belt. I know the limitations of the WC approach.

We had a ground fighting thread in the Shaolin forum. Songshan Shaolin has a body of ground skills called ditanggong, not too dissimilar to street BJJ, with the objective of quick joint destruction or positional escape to get back to one's feet. Think, in ancient times, on a battlefield. You're rolling on the ground and another dude running by sticks you with a spear, or the guy you're tangled with guts you. The goal is never to stay on the ground as in sportive BJJ. There are some BJJ guys who make the mistake of training sportive BJJ so much they think it's street safe. Then they get the old GNP because they weren't focused on defending punches, which aren't allowed in sport.
True. Some Silat lineages have some pretty effective groundwork as well.