okay this is off topic the forum started to get stupid again, (not that i mind stupid its good but not when its about the same scenarios 645 times over)
So i decided to ask a weird question, i read in other posts that some of you pay 50-60$ a month for training , all the way up to 500$ a month or something like that.Also i buy a lot of stuff from e-bay and i was wondering what is a good measure of something that is expensive and what is cheap in america.
Down her ethe average wage a month is around $500 and things like magazines cd's dvd video tapes eetc and other goods like boxing gloves pads etc etc, are twice as expensive as how much you guys payfor it , a dvd is about $35 a magazine is about $8 etc etc , and rent is a big slap a cheapish 2 bedroom apartment is $300.

What confused me is the big difference in the amount you pay for martial arts tuition.And people referring to stuff like wow $15 for shipping to cyprus, whereas other people seem to be okay to pay 400$ a month for training .
What is the average wage like down there , what takes a big chunk out of your salaries ? we have dirt cheap insuance but rent screws us , the rest is like i mentioned above.

what do bin laden and general custer have in common????
They're both wondering where the fu(k all of those tomahawks are coming from. - donated by mojo