Quote Originally Posted by MightyB View Post
All this really isn't new news (love the hooker comment btw), but it does make me wonder about the people/styles that absolutely refuse to see this.

Using the above levels concept, there's no room for a lot of the debate that goes on - internal/external/sexual qi/health whatever - it's all irrelevant to the task at hand.

And - once you find yourself in 3 and 4, you're really doing a lot of "internal" work.
Nope, it isn't news now and wasn't in the past either, yet...

The reality is that IF,and that is a big if, you want to unlock the secrets of your chosen MA then all you have to do is pressure test it and the more pressure you put on it, the better.
Most people think that their light sparring in class I pressure testing, it isn't.
There comes a time in every MA development stage where he/she is confronted with THE QUESTION:
Where do you want to go with this?

For fighters ( people that do MA for self-protection and fighting) the answer is clear and the path is clear.