I've been training WC for just over 7 years, and in that time never missed training for more than a week or two at time, and that was very few and far between.

I've had to stop training for about 6 months due to unforeseen circumstances, and I'm not sure how long before I will return. I was just wonder just how perishable wing chun skills like sensitivity and reactivity are. I've rolled w/ guys that said that hadn't trained in while and they still had skills. But is it like riding a bike, where you never really forget? I do my best by doing SNT and empty jong (don't have a jong since i live in an apartment building ) but how fast will my touch sensitivity and reflexes diminish? I'm pretty sure my forearm conditioning is shot, and I will pretty much have to start over w/that.

Who out there has had to take long sabbaticals from training, and how did it effect your WC?
