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Thread: Is WC/VT a martial art for old guys?

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    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Phoenix, AZ

    Is WC/VT a martial art for old guys?

    On another forum I visit, a couple of MMA fanboys were bashing WC (same old story) and one of them wrapped up his post saying that Wing Chun was just for old guys. His intent was to "dis" the art, but I actually kinda liked that remark. I'll be 58 next month, and while I may still be a kid in Joy's eyes, I'd definitely qualify as a geezer to the youngsters posting on that other forum.

    Along the same lines, I've encountered a few posts here where some of you have mentioned the wear and tear on the body that happens practicing MT, BJJ, boxing, and other competitive arts. As recently as about five years ago, I was still near my peak strength and engaging in grappling and occasional hard contact training. I was slower than in my youth, but I had more endurance, toughness, and most of all experience. But I healed more slowly. And then I started breaking things. First I messed up my shoulder, then worse, I had a serious lower back injury last year. Now, this spring my left knee gave out (I've already had the right ACL re-constructed and have had multiple fractures). Anyway I just had arthroscopic surgery last week. I go in to have my post-op conference with the doc today. But he already told me that I cannot continue to go at things like a 25-year old anymore. My physical therapist flat out told me to give up martial arts. Screw that. But I can't afford to keep wrecking my body ...physically or financially.

    So, what does this all mean? Some of you guys may still be able to go at it full bore for a long time. But each of our bodies ages differently. Maybe the smart thing is to scale back when you reach the point when your body won't take it anymore. For me, maybe that means no more grappling and throws, and no knee locks or sweeps either.

    If I let the other stuff go (FMA & grappling) and just focus on WC ...especially the "art" of WC, I should be fine. But is it still WC if you limit your legwork, if you keep to light sparring and light chi-sau and don't test what you do against heavy resistance? In short, is it still really WC if you start to practice it like an old man? Is this truly an art that we can practice into advanced age, or not.

    A saying I've always been fond of recalls how WC was supposedly founded by the aged Ng Mui and her young student Yim Wing Chun. It states, "If your WC couldn't be applied effectively by an old woman or a young girl, then you aren't doing it right." Is this true? Is WC truly an art that can even be used by the old, or is this just a quaint story?
    Last edited by Grumblegeezer; 06-17-2013 at 11:53 AM.
    "No contaban con mi astucia!" --el Chapulin Colorado

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