Tai Chien's (A.K.A. Sik Kuen) Philosophy (1970's)

“Two things which impeded kung fu are the instructors themselves. Many follow blindly to the way they were taught. Some are not open minded enough to accept other styles as their equal and overcome the superiority syndrome. We must bear in mind that in every style there is benefits for everyone to gain.”

"The position of Sifu is not for the purpose of the Sifu to show off but to cultivate new students and to help persevere the Chinese martial arts.”

“The knowledge of martial arts is not just reading a few ancient novels of martial arts. It is important to the martial art cultivation of a person. One can never make great achievements if one confines the learning to one style and pay no respect to the strong points of other styles. Therefore a martial artist must have a broad knowledge and he must be modest technically, not contenting himself with one style of his own and negating other styles. In short, one must have a rich knowledge of martial arts.”
Does this sound like a deluded fairy dancer? Or is this the same horn some of you guys are blowing?

Diminishment of the idea of one person in time or small parts of an overarching concept is in my mind the game of a dull mind. In the end you aren't anyone else but you. If you enjoy what you enjoy, you don't have to justify yourself to anyone, ever.

If they don't like what you do? Screw them, they aren't being invited to do it. If guys from on world want to change another to be more like there's? All the more reason to resist that.

The whole presentation of "kung fu" is bad because of the reasons given is shoddy and not well thought out. If you are a Kung Fu person and you think it's bad, then change yourself, make your Kung fu what you think it should be instead of trying to find a place in someone else's experience. Find your own if you think yourself better. While you really work on it instead of blowing hard as many do, your own sense of ridiculing others where it is not merited will disappear.