Hello everyone,

Martial arts training has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. Naturally, when I embark on a new chapter in my life one of the first things I do is seek out a martial arts group where I can train. I am nearing such a time in my life again where I am likely going to move to the Greater Pittsburgh area, in Pennsylvania. I've trained in several different arts, including Karate, Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, Tai Chi, and Wing Chun. At this point in my life, I'm finding myself drawn towards the Chinese martial arts once again. In particular I am intrigued by Choy Li Fut and Seven Star Praying Mantis. As this forum is dedicated to Southern Chinese Kung Fu, Choy Li Fut is the primary focus of my inquiry.

Despite spending hours searching online, I have not found a single school dedicated to CLF in the Greater Pittsburgh Area. I was hoping that some frequenters of this forum have a greater knowledge of the kung fu world than I do and could possibly point me in the right direction.

With that said, I am a firm believer that the instructor and the culture of the school are more important factors than the art itself. If anyone knows of any great Chinese MA schools in the Greater Pittsburgh area that don't specialize in Choy Li Fut, but believe they are worth looking into, I welcome those suggestions as well.

Thank you for your help!