Certain individuals continue to post over and over again about what is and what isn't Wing Chun. It get's pretty tiresome. What gives them, or anybody else, the right to say if my kung fu is WCK or not? Really! I mean if someone does crappy WCK diluted with other styles... OK say that. But as long as it has some connection to WCK, what you call your art is your own darned business.

When I started training WC in the late 70s, all WC was Ip man WC (as far as any of us knew). So, if we saw something that wasn't of Ip Man lineage maybe we would have said it wasn't real WC. Well now we know better. There are many lineages and even within lineages, so many variations.

Now of course, not all are WC systems equally effective. And separate from that issue, not all are equally "pure". Some blend in other systems ...pak mei, spm, 18 lo han, long fist, grappling and so forth. If they blend in too much outside stuff, maybe in the interest of accuracy they really should call themselves by another name, like Bruce Lee's JKD. But that's their business.

Honestly, the way some here carry on about WC "DNA" it almost reminds me of a racial purity thing! Purebred or mutt, I'll take what works. Like I said if you think your WC is better (Hi Kevin!) good for you. If you adapt your WC for sport fighting in the ring, OK. That's your right. And however it turns out, if you still call it WC, I may critique it, but you can call it WC/WT/VT or whatever the heck you want.

--Any thoughts?