The ancient Chinese of 1850 and before has three level of component.
Namely 架 or structure, 勁 or force flow or Jin, and 勢 or. Momentum.

At biu Jee level it is momentum and force flow play. Because biu Jee is a set to handle momentum and force change when ones own structure is broken.

Structure doesn't cover Jin and momentum, Jin and momentum cannot be handle via structure level. One must go one level deep from structure to get there.

That is Chinese logic. That is Chinese martial art technology. And basic law of physics.

Don't believe me?

Take any structure or demo of how to sustain force with shape or single leg, ....ect , you will see none of these describe acceleration . that is the indication of the domain of structure.

One needs to know acceleration to play in the Jin or force flow level. One needs to handle force change to play in momentum level. Not to mention, structure alone doesn't cover the biu Jee set teaching of Wck. A biu Jee set teaching without acceleration, force flow, and momentum is an empty shelf.