Quote Originally Posted by mickey View Post


When you mentioned Hawaii, the name that immediately popped up in my head was Grandmaster Bucksam Kong. The thing is that GM Kong learned Choy Li Fut in addition to Hung Gar. Lee Koon Hung was his Sifu in Choy Li Fut.

Here is another example of Tiger Tail Broadsword from Hung Gar performed by a student of TenTigers:


Thanks for replying , I appreciate it . my good friend was learning from Sifu Kong too until he trained with Sifu Mak Fai . Mickey were you there when Sifu Kong had a challenge with another Kung Fu practitioner ? You may know Jose Ramos who was once Sifu Kong ' s assistant sifu ? You see Sifu Kong was ' nt the only kung fu sifu in Hawaii at that time there were other kung fu clubs and schools too .

You see Sifu Kong hired Sifu Mak Fai to teach the lion dance to his students in Hawaii . If you did ' nt know it was because of some chinese people who were living locally in Hawaii , and they established the Jung Mo or the Chinese Physical Culture Assn . In Hawaii . Which was the first kung fu club in Hawaii and from there other kung fu experts who were involved with the jung mo ass. in hawaii also branched out and started their own kung fu clubs in Hawaii .

As for Sifu Kong himself he had 2 - assistant sifus they were Sifu Vernon Rieta and Sifu Seng Au , they still teach and do lion dance in Hawaii too . Because since Hawaii is a small island all the kung fu sifus know eachother . Some of them get along with eachother and some of them really don ' t like eachother . I still see Sifu Kong ' s club perform kung fu and lion dance on stage at the chinese cultural plaza in Hawaii . And Mickey if you happen to see Sifu Kong please don ' t mention anything about the challenge Sifu Kong had with another kung fu practitioner in Hawaii . that sifu was teaching manchurian white crane , hop gar , and choy li fut , this sifu learned choy li fut from GM Ho Ngan . And Sifu Kong was shaolin Hung Gar and choy li fut , because my cousins on my moms side of the family was learning from the sifu who was teaching the manchurian white crane system . And I met another guy who also learned kung fu himself from the same sifu my cousins was learning from .

For me I was once a member of jung mo myself back in 1985 , I stayed for 5 years then I joined chinese lion dance assn . Learning fut gar kung fu and the lion dance , but I was a badboy , I missed 2 - classes , then they kicked me out . Then I was learning from Sifu Hodges learning fut gar kung fu too , then it came to a point where this sifu hodges could ' nt teach me already , because he had to work 2 jobs to support his family . Then I was learning from Sil Lum Fut Ga kung fu from Sifu Lee for about 2 years , but because I had to work at that time they had class , I had to discontinue training . And this Mickey is my own share of martial arts experiences . I was training in wing chun too under this 2 - brothers who I met through friends of mine , they were the stanley au lineage of Ip Man .

Today in Hawaii we have sifus who teach iron body , iron palm , wing chun , Jook Lum Southern praying mantis and the list goes on and on . But more lion dance club than kung fu clubs . Because Hawaii is a melting pot of different type of cultures , so they have people of different cultures learning lion dancing too .