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Thread: Is YKT a little qigong?

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    Is YKT a little qigong?

    I wrote this to explain what is yik kam transform for a friend, so, I post it here in case some one interested

    1. YKT is just a tool to lead you to observe how your six core elements or five layers , body, mind, breathing, qi, jin, and momentum, function or operate in a natural way or non coloring way, or as it is.

    2. Each of the four drill is a lab for you to observe your six core elements in a state of
    Standing still , dynamically swing in rise and drop, dynamically swing and spiral , and the general eight ways your lower part of body move in dynamic action.

    3. In the beginning, you can only follow what the drill like you to do, but after you fluent with it, you will started to notice how each of the six core elements function naturally.

    4. So, YKT is about exploring your body in the above four common states While dropping the unknown or coloring practice to get back to its natural state. Like a kid exploring a toy car. And seeing what it is as it is.

    Ie. when you standing in ykt drill number one is not trying to do anything but let the body stand in neutral as it is. Most people don't stand in a neutral way. They might lock their hip, clamp their knees or hold their tail bone....all the silly thing because they believe those ritual give them power while in reality is counter productive.

    5. Just do every drill about seven mins here and there as you like . A soon as you cover all four drill everyday, meaning everyday you play these four states a little. Like playing a toy.

    6. YKT is just reset you to the nature body and mind in both static and dynamic state.
    Then with this natural state of body and mind when you practice the wck sets you see what is it in the sets. Instead of oh it got to be taiji way, hung gar way, Bagua way.....which is all your sifu or your speculation. Got nothing to do with the sets. When you practice the sets as it is, the set train your body into snake body.

    7. After you get the YKT as is it. You can have Wck, taiji, Bagua......ect because Wck , Bagua, taiji, Boxing........all are just a different subset of the natural way, they do things in a different way.

    I brought up the six core elements because that is what the ancient Chinese ma based on, not taiji style or Bagua or Wck definition. It is like going to law of physics instead of taking anyone's view as the reference.

    Some people think oh YKT is a little qigong, a drill....etc. all are just off the mark.
    It is called transform because YKT take off the color glasses and excessive practice to see things as it is. It needs only four simple drills because the four simple drills have covered the basic of Wck sets and dummy set. Will YKT practice promote health? Sure, resetting to neutral state body in static and dynamic means reset the body back to balance state, which is the core concept of tcm.

    If one doesn't get to the seeing things as it is, one will keep pile up the garbage like a superstitious guy.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 07-28-2013 at 10:54 PM.

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