Quote Originally Posted by xcakid View Post
Groin kick and eye poke/gouge. Its in every martial art out there. Yet no one uses it. Best freaking technique out there. I personally have used them in "altercations" Slows them down long enough to
1) be able to flee
2) give your buddies time to come and help ya
3) pull out a weapon and go to town on them.
You know, I have issue with the groin kick and the eye poke. If you are fighting a competent opponent, it's hard enough to land a solid punch, let alone get a finger in the eye, especially on the street.

Quick story. There was a guy who was being a douche and I stood up to him for somebody else. He was a bully, straight up. I had no intention on combat, I just wanted to protect his victim. We had words, I said what I had to say and was quite aggressive in my speech. He took a defensive posture then outta nowhere kicked me in the nutts. That is when I decided to hurt him. And I did. Groin kicks hurt like hell, but they do not incapacitate the way people believe. All it did was piss me off to the point where I went a lil overboard and boot stomped the guy. He basically had a free shot at first strike, and he chose poorly.