Originally posted by woliveri
NM wrote: Yes they can.

I guess the million dollar question now is why become a sifu? What's the incentive? Very few satellite schools that I know of can operate full time and support the sifu financially. So it seems like a lot of work on the Sifu with little opportunity for making a buck.
Well to answer both of your questions it depends on the individual.Everyone has their own reasons but a good reason,IMHO,would be to promote kung fu and help other be more healthy and/or teach them self defence.Remember the student should benifit from the teacher not the other way around.I think helping others through kung fu is a noble idea.

It's very true about keeping a school open.I've heard personally from many people to rethink if I should ever want to open up a school.The truth is I'm happy just being a student.Many students come and go and there's no way to garantee that the student will keep interersted.