Quote Originally Posted by mooyingmantis View Post
Taishing Pekkwar is a bloated system of a few Pekkwar hand and weapon sets, five monkey sets and perhaps monkey staff and almost 100 other sets from various styles.

A student of mine, who teaches Hung Gar, Northern Shaolin and Shuai Chiao went up to Canada and trained with CSC. He was told that he would have to learn about 100 forms BEFORE learning any of the monkey forms.

I may be wrong, someone please correct me if I am, but I believe that Chan's son is the only one allowed to teach the five monkey sets. However, the last I heard his son quit teaching after his marriage.

Has Chow Keung learned more than the Lost Monkey set? The Lost Monkey set is the only one I have ever seen demonstrated publicly by CSC or CK.

Perhaps its about time to kiss this system goodbye! Then Zink and Matsuda's version will be all that is left. For good, or for bad.
You could be right about that. I was told from them that most of their hand sets were pek kwar but some others I have seen do appear to be from other northern systems like mizong, datong and baji. Who really knows...I don't think CSC's son teaches anymore as I heard he had very little interest to begin with. Not sure how many monkey sets Chow Keung knows but I was told it was more than one but who really knows.