Quote Originally Posted by gunbeatskroty View Post
Scotty Brown is an old guy who trains in the art of pretend-death strikes. He's never fought in the ring vs. equally trained opponents before...which for him, would be a portly female. He's never even sparred for full knockouts to realize that the reason ring fights rarely ends in 2-3 seconds or 2-3 strikes is because the other person is EQUALLY TRAINED & CONDITIONED ....and you can't just ninja strike him like in the movies and expects him to go down.

Suckerpunching some loudmouth drunk in the street is easy. Trained fighters don't need to suckerpunch. If it's 1 on 1, I would never hit first and risk going to jail, get sued and risk a felony conviction on my permanent record. I'm good and confident enough let the other guy go first. But usually I'd walk away. I already know that I can beat up most untrained toughguys...as many walk into our gym for the trial class every week and I have to teach them. Only people like Scottie, who never fought before....thinks it's always a life or death, Mad Max Thunderdome match for everything. This is very common among Krav Maga people and the general Women Self Defense/Anti-Rape people. They think chops to the throat or nuts ends it all, yet they've never tried out their BS training by letting someone really try to knock them the F out. I can offer this service for free btw.
Your posts are really good. They are filled with lots of realistic information. Keep up the good work.