Just curious about different people's goals toward meditation.

I enjoy reading about different traditions. So you have the Confucian tradition, where teaching and experience are used to inform knowledge of a human virtue that is then enacted in ritual until enacting it is natural, during said process one learns more and theoretically becomes more ethical, which reduces life complications which aids in attaining meditative calm and gives further teaching to employ in enacting virtue during ritual, which...

Or Chinese Buddhism, where meditative calm is employed again to enable contemplation of samsara and the Buddhas teaching, which is applied to compassionate action, the results of which, success or failure, is applied to further contemplation, and the theoretical result of reduced attachment to the illusions of samsara means less intrusions from complications of poor actions into meditative calm, which enables further contemplation...

Or Taoism, where meditative calm is again used to enable contemplation of the falseness of preference(good or bad, hot or cold, near or far, etc), which reduces erroneous judgments based on preference, which means less intrusion into meditative calm, which means more effective contemplation of reality, which theoretically means better engagement with the way as it is, and not the way of your preferences based on false understanding.

I sometimes will use meditation as a preface to thinking about specific things I am seeking to understand in kung fu, or my own life. Nothing fancy on my part, but I find it helps to clear my head and come at things from a more open perspective.