Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
This is not about the SYSTEM of WC but about a particular DRILL and the often-abused verbage that is " doesn't look like WC" even though no one can pin down what WC is SUPPOSE to look like in a "live" situation ( opponent is actively resisting).I agree that WC, in terms of fighting, is simple and direct. It claims as much over and over.
Of course, as we also see over and over and over. something gets lost in the translation when WC practitioners actually cross hands OUTSIDE their own kwoons and VS resisting opponents.
Even in controlled circumstances like the one in the video clip.
WHY that happens is the issue at hand, IMO.
And IMO the reason is that far too many WC practitioners spend time with "dead" drills VS one another instead of actually FIGHTING with their system.
This is why for me over the years that I've come to discover that WC/VT does not look like anything in particular when being used, when being applied. If you apply it like a style, like it is trained and such, you will see something similar to what you see in the video, two ppl travelling along the same lines, and trying to deal with it, both Shawn and Kev have different responses to that clash of force.

Chi sau, as most of the WC system is, is pure development, it takes someone from swining wildly and hoping to land something, to someone that has their hands in front of them (not extended in Wu sau, just infront), has a connected power base via the whole body and the joints/power points, good aim (where you want to hit you hit), and the ability to hit in the same place again or adjust that aim to another direction, the ability to recover, maintain a sense of balance and equanimity, short power generation, some sensitivity to contact on the arms and body so that one can react quicker... these are just a few things, but how one person applies it will be different from how another will apply, due to a variety of factors, size, physical ability, skill set ability, understanding, intent, interest level and intensity while training, why do they train...so it won't look the same between two different ppl, generally anyways, boxers sort of look alike, but all of them have their personal style as to how to deliver their tools to the target, Ali didn't look like Frazier, but both threw jabs, crosses, hooks, upper cuts.. the only time two ppl will look alike is if they do WC like a style, which IMO is like fighting like a robot!
