Quote Originally Posted by LFJ View Post
Basically, yes. It's just that people can have very different methods for doing that- some of which are seen as errors from our point of view.
Yes ok I can see that. I might suggest that it would I think be helpful to couch things in those terms and might avoid ill will. It is one thing to say doing this or that is an error or mistake (generally) and say doing this or that is an error or mistake IF you are trying to use our method (specific). I think wing chun is flexible and open to many ways of getting the job done much as boxing is.

Certainly anyone can write things to concur with their ideas. I've not seen anything from Yip Man that contradicts my understanding of the system though.
I am sorry so are you saying that is not a kuit from a Yip and that others made it up? We see it across many many different Yip students.

I am not referring to the system but the terminology kiu or bridge. The kuit directly refers to centerline as jung sien. What about short bridge and long bridge (for example in terms of long bridge strength)? Iron bridge? The kuit that says when you can strike then strike? It just seems to me that bridge has a long standing meaning in southern fist and there are many systems that reference. There are many many people who learned from Yip and from WSL who have that same long standing meaning. It also appears PB is alone in his interpretation of the term. Could it perhaps be that not that he misunderstands the term but is looking at the term very narrowly and that it can be viewed more broadly?