Background on the research:

In 2005, the Foshan government, and some researchers from the Foshan museum, went to the old Leung home in Sin Hing Fong. The reason they went was because the government was going to tear down the home and wanted to see if there was anything of historical value still there before destroying the home.

The team arrives and finds only a few empty medicine bottles, a whisk broom and a couple of paintings. That is it. Nothing more. The museum didn't even take anything as they felt it was all worthless stuff.

Then, the person promoting the above info claims to have gone back on his own (how he got into the home on his own is beyond me) and found the so-called Leung Jan painting we are talking about... So, let me get this straight, a whole team of people go thru the entire home and finds nothing but worthless stuff but one guy out of the blue goes back and finds the painting???


More info:

According to the info it states:

Leung Jan had SEVENTEEN (yes 17) off-spring.

Do you believe that?


With regards to the chops in Leung Jan's Gulao home?

Nobody knows if they belonged to him or not. There is no family name on the chops so the only way to find out is visit the local government and see if there are any records of it.....

Leung Jan grew up in turbulent times. Members of his family, Leung Lon Gwai, and his Red Boat teachers were heavily involved in the 1850's uprising. They were "Anti Qing" Hung Mun Wing Chunners. IMO, I cannot see Leung Jan joining the Qing team with that background of family and friends and when you include the fact that Leung Jan was from a wealthy and established family it would be hard to believe there would be any reason for him to join the Qing Gov. He was a doctor, business man, Kung Fu expert and talented at calligraphy but nobody I have ever met or researched regarded him as a government official. Is it possible? Anything is possible but when you consider the above story I relayed about the one guy going back alone and wallah, poof, finds a lone photo when a whole team of government and museum researchers couldn't find anything it truly smells fishy.... IMO


Yes. That is the photo of Leung Jan's great nephew.


I have a lot of this stuff on my Facebook page. Join if you want to discuss more!
