Hello everyone at Kungfumagazine.com/forum members, Wing Chun enthusiasts, all martial artists and friends. My name is Sifu Billy Lau and I would like to introduce myself to the Wing Chun Martial Arts Community at Kungfumagazine.com. I really enjoy reading alot of the posts and information on all the member input's and data on this forum regarding Wing Chun and many martial arts subjects and would like to also share with you my Wing Chun Journal and an interesting post about Chi Gung.

I have been doing Wing Chun for many years first studying under 2 different Sifu's from the Yip Man Wing Chun Lineages before training in Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Kuen. I have been training under the guidance of my Sifu Grandmaster Garrett Gee for many years and have recieved certification as a Sifu in the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun Lineage. My Sifu is one of the very few rare martial artists that exists today with magnanimous knowledge of over 40 full forms, styles and other Kung Fu Systems under his belt. I have also been learning Wu Tang Style Kung Fu, Wu Tang Dragon Style Broadsword, and Wu Tang Chi Gong with the newest addition of learning Tai Chi Chuan from GM Garrett Gee. I wish to also share with you some insight about Chi Gung as told from my Kung Fu brother Gary Collins. Gary Collins was also learning Wing Chun under the Yip Man umbrella which he trained 6 years under the Chu Shong Tin branch before studying with GM Garrett Gee.

This is the record of GM Garrett Gee (originally told by Gary Collins) who saved the life of a martial artist through his genuine knowledge in Chi Gung methods:

"The negative side of Chi Gung practice (氣功走火入魔)"

"There may be many benefits for practicing Chi Gung (氣功), Jaam Jong (站樁) and Tai Chi (太極拳)etc... But in truth there are many reports indicating the negative side of Chi Gung practice (氣功走火入魔). There are some cases of Chi Gung practioners going crazy or destroying their minds as well causing harm to their bodies, even death. I totally agree with this statement: "Chi Gung can be referred to as a double-edged sword - it can harm as well as help." There may be thousands of Chi Gung masters that can teach you Chi Gung, but if Chi Gung harms your body, then the question you should ask is how many of these Chi Gung masters can save you from such practice? In reality, not too many, Grand Master, Garrett Gee (朱競雄师傅) is just one of few experts left in this world who can save you. The case of Dan Lee is clearly evidence that this ancient knowledge works!

Originally posted by Gary Collins: (Jaam Jong)

This thread has been very interesting - great topic GwailoKuen. This type of knowledge is one of the most interesting parts of Chinese martial arts, and there is interest in 'Internal Power' all over the world now. It is wonderful that so many Masters have decided to share their information with the public, and I'm sure I speak for all the HFY members when I say we are very glad that Sifu Gee has decided to share some genuine knowledge with us on this subject.

As usual, the information shared by Sifu Gee is very deep, illustrating a true knowledge of all the facets of Chi Gung - one of these is the fact that Chi Gung can be referred to as a double-edged sword - it can harm as well as help. We have all heard of wonderful stories of how internal training reaps health benefits and massive striking power, but it is just as important to hear the other side of the coin - how Chi Gung can cause internal damage, if those teaching or learning do not have access to full, original methods of Chi Gung training. This leads to a very sad example.

A young man, who will remain unnamed, had reached an advanced stage of internal training through Iron Shirt, and a specific Chi Gung method, by the age of 30. At first he felt wonderful, but later began to feel there was a problem inside him, as if there was some kind of blockage. He went for many medical tests to try to indentify the problem, but to no avail. His Master also tried to help him - he actually used his Iron Palm method to try to scatter what he felt was blocked chi within the body. Unfortunately this did more harm than good - the young man was harmed by this in a way that lead eventually to his death.

That sad example shows how internal power can be built up and appear beneficial, but once a problem arises, and is not met with specific, genuine remedy, the 'double-edged sword' nature of Chi Gung rears its head. This leads us to another story, this time the outcome is much better.

Some years after this event, a man named Danny Lee approached Sifu Gee with a problem. Somehow he had heard that Sifu Gee was the man to go to - and the problem was the same as that mentioned before. Danny Lee had been training a lot of Chi Gung, so much so that when he spoke to Sifu Gee he informed him he was so full of energy he hadn't needed to sleep almost at all for a number of weeks. He explained how his power was incredible - this he proved by smashing the arm off the Wooden Dummy with his bare hand! However, he also informed Sifu Gee that there was something truly wrong - it felt like there was some kind of object inside him causing trouble. This of course rasied the alarm in the mind of Sifu Gee, who then proceeded to help this man. Because of the true knowledge Sifu Gee posesses, he was able to solve Danny Lee's problem in 5 minutes. Danny Lee was educated in the Wong Ting Ging Faat (黄庭經法) - thus understanding how to 'Switch Off' his internal power when needed, and 'Switch On' when desired. This saved his life if we use the other example as evidence of what can happen, and it is indeed a pity that Sifu Gee was not known to him. He may still have been alive.

As that example shows, Sifu Gee's knowledge is real, is complete and is therefore very desireable. Indeed, it was so desireable, that a Greek martial artist called 'Lucky' wanted to give Sifu Gee $5000 for the Wong Ting Ging knowledge. However, being that Sifu Gee is a traditional Kung Fu Master, that offer was declined, because that type of information simply is not for sale! GM Gee is not a salesman - he's a martial artist from the old school. He helped Danny Lee FOR NOTHING, NOT A CENT, because the man needed help. On the other hand Sifu Gee declined $5000 because his knowledge is not for sale - he's not a salesman, advertsing and selling books and dvd's willy nilly purely for fame and profit. Indeed, behind the scenes, the real kung fu men are training and teaching away, while the internet talkers don't really have anything to say when it comes to true kung fu knowledge. He's one of the last few who are not selling out. And it is important to point out that Danny Lee has never forgotten the help he recieved - 10 years after the event, he returned to testify in front of 30 of Sifu Gee's students how he had saved his life.

So Chi Gung is real, and it's effects can be wonderful or disastrous, depending on the level of knowledge present in the teacher. This thread is very good because it will gather up everyone's experiences in one place and I'm sure we'll learn a lot from each other. Thanks GwailoKuen for gettin the discussion going.

Cheerio, Gary"